Tuesday, October 5, 2010

MOVIES: What the hell happened?

If you are a movie buff, take a moment to think about the last decade of movies.  The 2000s... what the hell?  What ever happened to The Top Guns, Air Force Ones, The American Presidents, etc.  I may be a little young to be calling this out but frankly I don't give a damn!  Now we have 2012, a movie I could NOT SIT THROUGH, for a billion reasons.  We have failures like the last 4 or 5 M Night Shamalan movies... what in the hell?!

Not to start this blog off in a negative attitude but for real... think about it.  When is the last time you saw Julia Roberts act in a role that "Julia Roberts" would have ever been in.  It's not just her, it is the vast majority of the BARELY middle aged FORMERLY BRILLIANT Hollywood actor.  Look at Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, and NIC CAGE!!!  From City of Angels, to GHOST RIDER.... thank god for Kick Ass, or I wouldnt ever watch a film of his again.  I don't know why but it just seems like the serious movies have moved backward to an almost fake era... Like Charlie Wilsons War.  I just didn't see ANY passion in that movie.  Maybe it's just me and my few friends....

Movies of the 70s were RAD, movies of the 80's were BADD, and movies of the 90's were AWESOME!!  But the movies of the.... 2000's, just do not compare.  I think we are taking the acting and the directing out of the movies and replacing it with product placement and CGI.  WAY too much CGI at that.  Yes Avatar was awesome, but what ever happened to the actors actually doing ANY of their own work?  The backrounds not being green screen 100%.

In closing I will say any movie Directed by Darren Aronofsky, Guy Ritchie, and Martin Scoresece is excluded, with very few others.  They are in a league of their own.  Like Meryl Streep/Clint Eastwood!! ... They STILL have it. 

Does anyone see what I am talking about? 

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